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by Dean Trumbell [Guest Blogger] August 30, 2018 2 min read
I am all for making informed decisions when it comes to spending my hard-earned money for a consumer item. The better question would be what do I need to know to do so and when do I cross the line acquiring information that really does me no good in making the best decision? In a consumer world of hundreds of conmen trying to confuse and manipulate me into purchasing what they want me to buy as opposed to what is the purchase that will best serve my needs, it can be daunting. Is your purchase based on comfort, health and durability or is it based on status, style or ego (an incessant need to be smarter than everyone else)? Do you have a limited budget or is the sky the limit? Will knowing every minute detail help you make the right decision? Latex in particular is discussed incessantly online. Discussions include what type of latex? What brand of latex? ILDs, density, washing of finished cores, inspection process of finished cores, where it is made, history of the manufacturer and on and on ad nauseam. If these are things you really want to know before purchasing a latex mattress, be my guest. However, I do not think it assures you of making the right decision. I have experience with consumers that researched all of these details and still made buying decisions they were unhappy with.
The important things you need to know are as follows. Do you prefer soft, medium or hard surface comfort? Do you need firmer support layers due to your body type? Do you know a retailer who has good reviews regarding comfort exchanges? Do you have confidence in the sales or customer service personnel in that particular company? Do their people make it easy for you to understand the differences in their products without going into confusing details? I look for reliable and credible companies and their people. Stay away from salespeople who are attempting to make urgent decisions. I never understood why it just so happens that the day I want to purchase something is the very day I have a chance to purchase it wasn’t available yesterday and won’t be available tomorrow either. Latex mattresses are comfortable, very supportive and last a long time. The very mattress I sleep on I designed and built myself. I did not get caught up in the minutia, only what felt great and would give me a good night’s sleep. So far after almost 10 years it is still working for me and should work for you as well if you follow my advice.